Friday, August 13, 2010

Educational Research

I have been away from blogging for far too long!! Busy with life and more courses, it is hard to find the time for a new post.
I am currently taking an educational research course and the book we are using is amazing. Yes, I did say amazing and educational research in the same sentence :)
I have never really thought about how much went in to research, the different types of methods, validity, etc. etc. I wanted to share this book as I think it is great for first time researchers.
Educational Research, An Introduction, by Meredith D. Gall, Joyce P. Gall and Walter R. Borg is really a great introductory book.  It is very informative, but easy to understand.  They provide great examples or cases to describe different methods or topics.  I will have to say that I am glad to have added it to my library for future reference.
Let me know what you think :)