Monday, May 24, 2010

What does a 21st century classroom look like??

I talk a lot about engaging the 21st century learner, but what exactly does that look like? What type of activities would the students be doing? If they were in a classroom, what would that look like?

I had the opportunity last week to visit the Calgary Science School. I have always heard of the Science School, and to be honest, just figured they did a lot of science. It didn't take me long to figure out it was more than just science at that school.

I feel that I was able to get a first hand view of what a 21st century classroom should and would and could look like, but an engaging classroom too. It was wonderful to see how truly engaged the students and teachers were in their work. There were some students and classes working on their laptops, some doing project or inquiry based learning, and some getting ready for an upcoming dance performance. It was an excellent opportunity for me to really visualize and experience first hand how an engaging classroom could look. It actually went above my expectations.

I am not saying students can't be engaged in other environments, but this is what I wanted to see. I feel I have a better, clearer understanding of what the 21st century learning classroom can look like.

I was inspired, not only by the students work, but also with the collaboration among teachers. I could not believe how willing their AISI teacher and their educational technologist (which I think every school should have :)) was to share their information, lessons, ideas, projects, etc. I was so happy to know that I could call, e-mail or even drop by if I had questions in the future. I think it says a lot when people are so willing to share their resources.

It was an incredible learning experience for me. Check out their website!

Calgary Science School


  1. Is it possible these students were putting on a show because they were being observed?

  2. Lisa, I like the looks of this too. I'm interested to hear more about what it was that captured your attention here. You said that something in this classroom gave you a clearer understanding of what a 21st century classroom should look like. Can you tell us a bit more about that awakening? That deep understanding?

  3. I actually thought it may be a show too at first. We walked through several classes unannounced (they may have been given a heads up the day before??). The work they were doing was very engaging; creating a sustainable city, working with buddy classes, creating pinball machines on their laptops. I would have to say, if I was a student, I would want to be on task. They honestly looked like they were truly enjoying what they were working on.

  4. Rick, I will expand more on that very soon :)

  5. Thanks, Lisa. I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but I'm genuinely curious about this obviously engaging event!
