Sunday, June 6, 2010

How do we motivate teachers?

A video I think everyone will enjoy...I hope!

From what I hear, the blogs you don't plan, tend to be pretty's hoping!

So, I would like to know  how we motivate teachers? Can we motivate teachers? If we know students need to be engaged, need to be motivated, need to become a 21st century learner, how do we motivate teachers to motivate their students?

Now, we all know some students that have enough motivation and will be able to inquire more at home, on their free time do some extra reading, etc. What about the rest of the students, who will motivate them?

It is almost like this just occurred to me, students need to be engaged, what if the teachers don't feel the same way I do about engagement?? We all know some teachers that like things the way they are, they don't want change, don't agree with technology, think worksheets are the be all and end all. Is it possible to engage and motivate teachers? How?

I recently watched a video that really made me think more about motivation. Up until recently, I would have never dreamed about going back to school. If someone paid me, or paid for my school, I just wouldn't do it....I wasn't ready. It goes to show, motivation has to come within. I could not have been motivated by any amount of money, anything I can think of to spend every extra minute studying, reading, writing....blogging :)

One day I started looking at different websites, different MEd programs, and here I am. I guess I just realized that up until now I wasn't ready or motivated. What changed, I have yet to pinpoint it, but it was definitely something I did on my own.

So in saying all that, can we really try to change the unmotivated teacher before they are ready?? Still trying to figure that out.


  1. Haha. I felt the exact same way about this entire post. That video really got me thinking about how to motivatet teachers....more specifically I think it made me realize that some teachers need to be motivated. Not everyone has the natural drive toward technological enlightenment that I do!
    I also feel the same way about this program. I kind of fell into it after reading about it several times in a few weeks. I think if someone would have told me I had to do it, I wouldn't be as engaged as I am. That autonomy goes a long way!! Now how do we get that power of autonomy to everyone else?!

  2. I'm always fascinated to hear stories of how people came into our program and what drives them through it. As you know, it takes an enormous amount of energy to do all of the readings, classes, projects, etc. so I'm both impressed by and in awe of you (and the others) for making this kind of professional commitment. As you experience more and more ideas in the program, and see how they fit into your professional passions, you'll continue to see the program as a big support for what you already do, and not as a drain on your finite energies.

  3. Yes Carmen, it too opened my eyes :) Not everyone get overly excited about new software, or a new LCD and Smartboard. Here I thought everyone got excited and giggly when some new technology arrived :) I can't believe how excited I have become about blogging!!! I only started recently and I love it. I am sure there are still lots of people out there that don't even know what blogging is...imagine!!
    I do think if we are aware of what other people may struggle with (in terms of technology) it may help us help them??
    I am so happy I was motivated to take this program, it has been such a great experience so far.
